Scarlet For my Stretchmarks

Scarlet For my Stretchmarks

I slowed my weight loss down to nada to handle these loads of small issues popping up. A HUGE issue has been my tummy. Loose skin has been everywhere and my skin began to wrinkle on my tummy. I decided to do a deep penetrating 

Laser Hair Removal for dark toned skin

Laser Hair Removal for dark toned skin

After I turned 41 years of age my fa ial hair started to pop in at rediculous amounts. I began getting weary of plucking and waxing hairs 2-3 days a week and decided to try laser hair removal (again). 3 years ago I tried laser 

Emsculpt for Diastasis Recti

Emsculpt for Diastasis Recti

I know….I know….I speak of having my babies back to back nonstop. I speak of stretchmarks, my weak bladder, the horrendous acne I had for a year and my increased facial hair. I speak of these things because they are my current reality. The GREAT