Laser Hair Removal for dark toned skin

After I turned 41 years of age my fa ial hair started to pop in at rediculous amounts. I began getting weary of plucking and waxing hairs 2-3 days a week and decided to try laser hair removal (again).

3 years ago I tried laser hair removal from a place that did multiple services and I got severely burned. My skin fell off in chunks and bright fleshy, red, irritated skin showed itself. After my skin began to heal, the splotches turned very dark black. It took 2.5 years for my skin to normalize. I am just grateful my skin did turn back to my normal skin tone color.

Although nervous, I had a client who is Latina explain she has a wonderful tech who did laser hair removal and ensured me her tech did all skin tones. I trust my client of years and went to her tech.

I am happy to say after 2 sessions I don’t have a single hair on my face! Moral of the story- it is possible for all skin tones to have laser hair removal done. Make sure the tech has the correct laser hair removal machine which works on your skin tone. Check with your health professional to see if this is a service that will work for you if you are interested ❤

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