Month: December 2022

NYE Resolutions 2023

NYE Resolutions 2023

This year for my birthday I just felt…out of place. I didn’t feel as cute or sassy. I felt fluffy and ran completely down- probably because I was🤣. I wore all black because I felt it hid all the fluff better. I love color. Who 

Size 6 clearance dress

Size 6 clearance dress

I have a formal event I must attend with my husband in 3 weeks. After searching the internet, I FINALLY found a dress that I loved and would look AH-MAZING. This dress was on sale and was exactly what I was looking for. The only 



After our Skydive 💕🥳

My BFF and I went skydiving on our girl’s trip and I have to tell the world that the moment you free fall out of the plane, you are reborn into a new individual. Boundaries are lifted, fear is myth and you know your world will be just fine.

The weight on my shoulders felt heavy prior to our trip. We have an upcoming event for our nonprofit which has yielded one mess after another. The fear of no one showing up to this extremely time consuming, expensive event is more than enough to make your tummy go into knots. The knowledge that you can put all of your hopes, dreams and desires into a single day along with multiple business meetings and hours of calling, planning, organizing, working, researching and pleading and may not have a SINGLE person show up to something that means so much to you can leave you feeling vulnerable and rejected. The MOMENT I rolled out of that plane 12,000 feet In the air, I KNEW all things happen as they should. There was this overwhelming feeling of power and calm. This event WILL work out and this WILL succeed. I just knew without a shadow of doubt that our organization will succeed and this event will be Fantastic. I KNEW it. All the stress that fell on my shoulders disappear In the air I was falling through.

I am not sure what makes anxiety such a real beast. My uneducated guess would be fear of failure. We just have time believe that all things happen as they should 💕

Pure Bliss 💕

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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