Month: December 2021

Cheers to 2022!!!πŸ™ŒπŸΎβ€πŸ™ŒπŸΎβ€

Cheers to 2022!!!πŸ™ŒπŸΎβ€πŸ™ŒπŸΎβ€

I do resolutions every year! For 2022 I am going to work towards: *Building my Non-profit and working towards gaining donations to help others in their fight for health, knowledge and  support! Donations go towards Personal Training certification Scholarships, Health Coaching Certification Scholarships, workshops and 

Vegas Birthday Surprise

Vegas Birthday Surprise

My birthday is 5 days before Christmas. Can you imagine how I have felt for YEARS!? No matter how hard my parents tried, no friends were ever available because they were out of town or had family in town. This means I have NEVER had 

5 days left of 21 day Reset!!

5 days left of 21 day Reset!!

As winter begins, the days get darker and darker which is making my “no caffeine” part of this reset VERY difficult for me. I do enjoy a hot rich Flavored coffee in the morning. I do miss my coffee.Β  I am excited to add my coffee back into my daily routine.

Holiday Shopping ❀

Yesterday was a EXTREMELY tough day for me. I am not sure what happened. I was craving junk food all day. I have concluded I probably had too much fruit which triggered my body. I am definitely someone who is extremely sensitive to sugars- even natural sugars- I have to really watch my dietary intake to stay successful at adhering to a healthier dietary lifestyle for myself. I had done an extraΒ  20 mins of cardio HIIT a few hours after my normal workout. When I left the gym to head to the grocery store to pick up a few items. I grabbed an orange to eat to help me with the mixed feelings of fatigue and weakness. After eating the orange I immediately felt better.Β  I then went home and ate an apple as I was waiting for my chicken to get out of the air-fryer. Shortly after I ate the apple is when my cravings kicked in. I ate my chicken breast and veggies. This all took place before 11am. I needed the protein to help regulate my energy. I over exerted myself with the second pop of cardio. On heavy lift or exercise days, I do eat protein. I get a very bad migraine if I don’t. I found this out the hard way. I can stick to low glycemic fruits & veggies on medium exertion days.

The afternoon consisted of holiday shopping. My husband mentioned he was hungry and asked if he could treat me to lunch but I declined stating we had to pick the girls up from my mom’s house at 3pm. My statement was factual but deep down I knew I would order an alcoholic beverage at lunch if I went.Β  When I have willpower struggle days, I know my boundaries. I am FIVE days from completing this Reset. FIVE DAYS!! I can do this!

After we picked up my beautiful daughters we headed home. A client text me and asked if I could stop by Weds to see her Christmas decor and have a holiday cocktail. I pushed the day off to the following week. If I went this Wednesday, it would be ONE DAY from completing my Reset. ONE DAY. I also want to keep the holiday drinking, company, dinners, get together all in the same week. I don’t want to drag out these habits for 2 weeks. Ywo weeks become all month which becomes a new horribly patterned lifestyle. It makes it EXTREMELY hard for me to get back on track if my holiday splurges span longer thsn a couple of days. I push it relaxing between Dec 20th and Dec 25th!

The timing of my Resets ate intentional. It keeps me from getting off track from Thanksgiving until my birthday (Dec 20th). My birthday until Christmas is an awful dietary week for me- often due to the adult beverages. I plan on this week yearly but Dec 26th I hit that stop button ***again*** and do a SECOND Reset so that my single week of poor choices doesn’t turn into my LIFESTYLE. I haveΒ  lost over 100lbs TWICE. I KNOOOOWWWWWWWW how this cycle happens. I refuse to be that person ever again! My birthday and Christmas being so close together makes Christmas week tough. I am GRATEFUL I only battle these temptations like this one week a year.

Later that night my husband said he had a sweet tooth and was going to grab him some thin mint filled Oreo cookies. I talked him into not getting those darn cookies for the better good of my personal health and life. I knew I wasn’t in the position to use willpower to avoid eating the cookies last night. I really had to control my environment yesterday. My daughter fell asleep on my chest shortly after the Oreo conversation with my husband which helped me stay in bedπŸ™ŒπŸΎ. I was unable to get up and grab a snack.

I awakened this morning extremely proud of myself with a fresh bucket of willpower. As tough as yesterday was. I made it!! I will watch my intake very well today to ensure my day progresses with ease.

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***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.***

Ten days into my 21 day reset!

Ten days into my 21 day reset!

I am extremely excited and proud I have been on my body reset for ten days! On day 5, I noticed my skin was almost cleared of zits/breakouts, I was not waking up starving, my water retention was almost at zero and I felt energetic.