Cheers to 2022!!!🙌🏾❤🙌🏾❤

I am SOOOOO ready!!

I do resolutions every year! For 2022 I am going to work towards:

*Building my Non-profit and working towards gaining donations to help others in their fight for health, knowledge and  support! Donations go towards Personal Training certification Scholarships, Health Coaching Certification Scholarships, workshops and a major Health & Wellness conference being held in downtown Denver at The Hyatt Regency October 8, 2022 9am- 1pm ( )

* losing THE LAST 14lbs which will put me back at my prepregnancy weight. I have SLOWLY been losing 1-2lbs a MONTH consistently for 2 years (Intentionally ) Slow and steady wins the race!!

* adding 20 mins of cardio in 2x’s a week EVERY week while not taking away from my already established exercise routine.

* Practicing daily gratitude and understanding that all things happen as they should- even if I don’t understand ❤

*work on not spending so thoughtlessly for 2022 and put away as much $$$$$ as possible. My kids all went to the emergency room this year (I have 3 kids so think about those hospital bills!) I need to pay off Amy debt and save. Period. No excessive girls trips, purses or family vacations. I also can watch my impulse buying. I did a calculation of all of the mo ey I squandered in 2021 and I can DEFINITELY improve my spending 😁

* Throw away all workout pants without pockets! I LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEE having pockets in my workout pants to hold my itouch , phone or timer! When I wear pants without pockets, my life becomes more difficult. Out with the old, in with the new. I am embracing change

* decrease my fat intake by about 10%. I eat well, I can definitely eat a tad better.

Blessings to you and yours!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.****

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