Month: November 2019

What is “Carb Creep?”

What is “Carb Creep?”

Carb creep is an uncontrolled deviation from the low carb lifestyle in which low carb dieters slowly scale up carb intake in unmeasured amounts. Carb creep can also happen by consuming products that have hidden sugars or “hidden carbs”

Hidden Carbs- A HORRIBLE beast!

Hidden Carbs- A HORRIBLE beast!

I woke up this morning craving carbs which has not happened in months. I am well aware I met friends out last night for dinner. Although I studied the menu and made my food/drink selections prior to entering the restaurant I consumed something with hidden 

Keep it under 30

Keep it under 30

I spent the last 6 weeks bouncing between 20-50 grams of carbohydrate consumption per day. For 6 weeks I would check my ketone levels in the mornings to make sure I was still in ketosis. The purpose of me fluctuating my carbohydrate intake was to see where my personal level intake of carbohydrates would be to stay in Ketosis. I found I can eat exactly 32 carbohydrates on a typical day and stay in Ketosis and 44 grams of carbohydrates to stay in ketosis when I do a very heavy workout.

This information may be trivial to some people who choose to stay under 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. For me this information was beyond huge. Some days I need more carbohydrates. Period. I do understand sleep getting enough sleep is very important for energy levels as well as water intake and so forth however some nights I just do not get enough sleep. I am a mother to 2 beautiful baby girls under the age of 2. Sometimes they sleep through the night, sometimes they do not sleep through the night. Sometimes I can’t sleep because of stress and worry. Sometimes I can not sleep because I have a cold and I stayed up all night coughing. I could express a million reasons why I can not follow every healthy eating rule 100%of the time however at the end of the day I am human. Sometimes I need more carbohydrates. Period. Having and extra 12-22 carbohydrates a day could be the difference between my personal energy level and happiness without taking me out of Ketosis. My body still wins. I don’t feel deprived or like I have to cheat. When I can scale back on my carbohydrate intake on a better day, I do. Such is life.

Generally the common rule

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What are low carb cold medicines?

What are low carb cold medicines?

It is important to look at carbohydrate/sugar content of everything you consume while trying to remain in a low carb/ketosis state. A great reference for this is: