What are keto friendly Foods?

What are keto friendly Foods?

Here is a quick and easy grocery list of keto/low carb friendly foods. The original link to this article is posted below https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/keto-diet-grocery-list-life-110000004.html email-subscribers-form id=”1″]

What is “Carb Creep?”

What is “Carb Creep?”

Carb creep is an uncontrolled deviation from the low carb lifestyle in which low carb dieters slowly scale up carb intake in unmeasured amounts. Carb creep can also happen by consuming products that have hidden sugars or “hidden carbs”

What are low carb cold medicines?

What are low carb cold medicines?

It is important to look at carbohydrate/sugar content of everything you consume while trying to remain in a low carb/ketosis state. A great reference for this is: https://charliefoundation.org/pain-relievers-cold-allergy/

Can I drink Alcohol on Keto/Low Carb?

Can I drink Alcohol on Keto/Low Carb?

YES. My go to options are always hard alcohols with soda water and lime. Vodka, Gin, Tequila, Whiskey and other pure alcohols have zero carb. Be careful on the type of mixer used. Tonic has carbs, don’t add soft drinks, juice or other mixers (margarita 

Why do I avoid “low carb” treats?

Why do I avoid “low carb” treats?

The 1st time I went low carb I would try to eat a lot of quick “low carb” foods but quickly learned the additives would make me crave other higher carb junk food, would slow my weight loss progress, often contained more carbohydrates that I 

What can I eat on Low Carb/Keto?

What can I eat on Low Carb/Keto?

Eggs – all kinds. Choose Organic eggs if all possible Vegetables that grow above ground such as lettuce, zucchini, eggplant, olives, spinach, mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, bok hoy, kale, dark leafy greens, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage..etc. Please note that if you are trying to 

What is the difference between low carb and Keto?

What is the difference between low carb and Keto?

It is important to understand that “low carb” IS Keto with a slightly higher carbohydrate consumption. Low carb lifestyles are not low enough in carbohydrates to keep your body in Ketosis. My body enters ketosis if I eat less than 50g of carbohydrates a day.