Hidden Carbs- A HORRIBLE beast!

I woke up this morning craving carbs which has not happened in months. I am well aware I met friends out last night for dinner. Although I studied the menu and made my food/drink selections prior to entering the restaurant I consumed something with hidden carbohydrates. The menu that I had to select from did not have the nutritional values posted. When this happens I stick to salad/veggies and a protein without sauces/gravies.

I am not going to bore anyone with going through my meal selections. Who knows, there could have been too many grams of sugar in the Ranch Dressing on my salad! But what is important are the steps I took from here to stay on track.

Step one- I consumed 2 huge glasses of water immediately. The body can Interpit thirst for hunger. Drinking water may reduce cravings.

Step two- I decided to consume fat ASAP. Good morning bulletproof coffee!

Step three- I am too soar to go to the gym. Sometimes if this happens I get a good HARD workout in to flush the excess carbohydrates out of my system but today I immediately started doing housework to get my mind off of my cravings.

Step Four- I thought about the real reasons I stick to a low carb diet. My health, mood, energy levels, improved skin complexion, the USUAL control I have over my cravings (I tend not to crave crap when I eat low carb and that control feel AMAZING), my stabalized/reduced weight…and so forth.

Step five- I weigh myself! As crazy as this sounds. Increasing your carbohydrate intake can lead to 5+ lbs of water weight! Seeing the increased number on the scale keeps me in check!

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