I needed a break. My husband and I decided to take a group trip to Puerto Rico to reconnect and relax. Every night, when the sun set, I would see the most amazing views and let my mind wonder. The words that came to my mind the most were “hardwork” and “simplify.”

The people who rotate in my world are ever-evolving. I meet people, connect with people, and release people constantly in order to keep my emotional life intact and balanced. People are in our lives for seasons, and each person offers something valuable for us to learn. Constantly surveying my emotional whereabouts and clearing out what doesn’t serve me keeps my life simple. Ensuring I stay on top of who is a part of my world and consistently removing the people and elements that don’t work keeps my life simple.

As far as hardworking. I realized that I was constantly busy most hours. I was awake, but was I being PRODUCTIVE? If you can’t unwind and set boundaries for yourself, you end up in a state of burnout. When you are burned out, you literally can not maximize your time on a daily basis. I decided to work until 5 pm daily and call it quits after that. The deal is that when I work, I focus on working. I don’t multitask with checking email, answering phone calls, and being distracted. I check my emails briefly in the morning and shortly before 5 pm, and the rest of the time is spent working on the task at hand. When I am off, I focus on my beautiful family, taking a walk, watering my plants, or enjoying the sunset. I decided I needed to take my time back. Me time is a priority.

This is a lesson I have to keep learning over and over. My dreams and goals are important, but if I am not happy, I can’t properly meet these.

**Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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