All of the lights

I recently went to an outdoor illuminate art show in Denver and was in awe of the beauty. I truly enjoyed all of the artwork and was so excited to post about my experience on social media. My thought was that sharing this great experience would prompt others to go see this light show.

Welp! I couldn’t be more wrong about the attention going towards the light show. The attention of these pics were all on my weightloss and fitness journey. Comments like “You look GREAT!” And “How much weight HAVE you lost!?” Hit my phone and the comments below the pictures. I would be lying if I didn’t say that I am truly appreciative that others are noticing that I have been really focused and dialed in on my wellness journey however there is a fine line where it is almost insulting that no other parts of my life currently have relevance or value to others. I have always been more than a number however when I am heavier, the focus is on how I need to lose weight and when I am less heavy, the focus is on how great I look leaner.

Caveat to this all? I am proud of all aspects of my life. When I was heavier it was because I was stressed out starting a non-profit. The financial demands, home/life balance and not having a clue on how to run a non-profit totally stressed me out. I was grinding my teeth at night and snacking during the day to make peace with learning something new and extremely out of my comfort zone. I was working multiple hours a week to build the non-profit and working more hours at my paying job to afford to pay the bills for this same non-profit. I had 2 baby girls who needed their momma and zero time. Sleep was hard to come by. I am very proud of “the Candace” within that moment. I set out to do something to change the world and I **AM** changing the world. The downfall was I gained weight.

I am proud of “this Candace” as well. I am learning how to run a non-profit, balance my work/home life and living a healthier lifestyle while figuring out my balance. It isn’t easy, but it is possible.

Point of this post? Be the best version of you in each moment. Sometimes, those versions may look or feel a tad different but embrace the best “you” in those times. ❤️

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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