Healthy Balance?

I will talk about this until someone’s ears bleed if I have to. Starting my non-profit in 2022 was more stressful than being pregnant for 2 years straight (my girls are 9.5 months apart). I could not find a healthy balance no matter where I turned. I was eating out constantly at mingling events, drinking mixed beverages, was struggling getting to the gym even once a week, didn’t food prep and most certainly didn’t sleep well. Not to mention the constant stream of overwhelmingly mean “no’s” and not knowing what I was doing. The stress was real. The weight gain that came along with this stressful year was even more real. It is awful to be a health coach and a personal trainer who knows exactly what to do and literally did not do it.

This year is different. I am calmer. I have a better sense of what I am doing. I realize that I have to say no to the social events that are not mandatory for my non-profit or personal business to thrive. No to dinner with friends, birthday parties, date nights with my husband whom only wants pizza and burgers….just…no. There isn’t a healthy balance in my life, only decisions. My decision is to choose me and my health over everything else. I can not maintain my best self by trying to keep everyone else happy. The truth of it all, I am not happy when I don’t like the results of my actions showing on my body.

For me, my balance is in the power of my decisions. I spent a year living by other people’s rules and lost my personal rule book.

I learned a hard lesson last year. The power of no and the benefits of maintaining boundaries. I will keep them this year.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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