Month: January 2021

Portion size snack bags

Portion size snack bags

My client was so extremely thoughtful and brought me some almonds tonight during her training session. I immediately noticed the portion sizes are on the bag! How awesome is this quick trick for those of us who measure and log our food!?!?!.

What are keto friendly Foods?

What are keto friendly Foods?

Here is a quick and easy grocery list of keto/low carb friendly foods. The original link to this article is posted below email-subscribers-form id=”1″]

Keto Grocery Shopping List

Keto Grocery Shopping List

This is such an easy grocery list if you have decided you would like to go Keto/Low Carb. Link to the original article is provided below

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Retro Log fail

Retro Log fail

Just because I am a health coach and a personal trainer, doesn’t mean that I go through life perfectly without my own food/exercising struggles! When I get extremely busy, I have a very bad habit of logging my food after I eat. Many times, I 

3 ingredient cream cheese sausage Dip

3 ingredient cream cheese sausage Dip I tried this recipe today for lunch. I had lettuce leaves and BBQ pork rinds as a side. Dumb Good.

Logging Denial

Logging Denial

The last 3 days I have been totally confused about how my logged Macros and calories have been panning out so high. I attempt to stay around 1500 calories/day. The last 3 days I have been logging 1800 calories and I am utterly confused on the high amount of calories when I look at how little (in my mind) I have been eating when I look at my meals. My carbs have been too high, my protein too high,my fat too high and my Fiber is too high (too high fiber can cause tummy issues like bloating and constipation)! Tonight, I didn’t want to accurately log my supplement powder that I add into my water because it is 5 net carbs and by logging these carbs, I would be over for the day…AGAIN! I had to stop myself and live in my reality. By not logging my supplement, it doesn’t take away the fact that I did consume these carbs and calories. I did consume this supplement. I am not turning a blind eye. I did log my intake properly.

I am not sure why I was feeling the need to hide the truth from my log that I, and only I, look at. Perhaps I felt ashamed. Perhaps I felt as if I couldn’t POSSIBLY be eating the amounts I was consuming or was nervous to feel like a failure by seeing the big red “OVER CARBOHYDRATES” for the day. But this was my reality.

By logging my food accurately, I was forced to stop and go through my food logs with a fine tooth comb. I realized that I am consuming WAY too many processed “low carb” easy foods. I know that sticking to the fresh, non processed foods are the way to go. I then realized I have moved to more processed foods because of my food sensitivities. My “go to” foods have all been taken away. I have been replacing my nuts, deviled eggs and other foods I use to prep on Sundays for my healthier snacks with gluten free processed low carb crap. Logging my food accurately allowed me to live my reality and search for the cause of this effect.

I am officially regrouping. Tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start. Now that I am aware, I can progress towards realigning my intake to meet my goals. I have got this…. And so do you.

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23 Mediterranean Recipes via PureWow

23 Mediterranean Recipes via PureWow

Mistakes. LOTS of mistakes

Mistakes. LOTS of mistakes

This afternoon I had a very distraught client tell me how he wasted his life with mistake after mistake. He self diagnosed the issue of his weight inflating to close to 400lbs as a mistake. He literally said “it has been days and years of 

Seeing your strengths for what they are.

Seeing your strengths for what they are.

My 2 year old!

My 2 year old daughter has an eye for patterns and colors not no other. Every morning she gets up excited to dress herself and her sister. I remember when my son “had” to pick out his outfits! What a hot mess. But my 2 year old daughter never skips a beat! She dresses anyone who will allow her to!

The other day while getting ready to run errands, my 2 year old daughter started handing me clothes. “Here momma. Here” Slowly she began collecting clothes and shoes from around my closet until the most BEAUTIFUL outfit was put together. I was amazed. Yes these were my clothes- but she matched them in ways I NEVER had before. The shirt she picked out was a color scheme I could not figure out for the life of me how to wear! So, it remained with tags on…until Sunday!

Errand Day outfit!

I can immediately see that my daughter has a God given talent. Perhaps she will be an interior designer or makeup artist! Dress the stars or BE a star! I know, already, that she is destined to be great. Looking at my daughter and all of her grandness at 2 years old, there was a slight second that I wondered why I wasn’t blessed with such an obvious talent. I brushesd off my quick fleeting thought and continued reading my book.

This morning I worked. After my 1st personal training client she looked at me and said ” I never thought at 62 I would find a love for fitness. You truly inspire me.” I later taught a couple of classes and a member whom I am VERY fond of said “I feel like I am FINALLY turning a fitness corner! Your classes are changing my LIFE!” I later received a text from a client who has been struggling with food addiction her entire life and never- EVER – believed she would be able to get her weight below 200lbs. She recently just crossed over to 199lbs. Her text said “the way you have inspired and changed my life can not be put into words. Thank you.” I realized, THIS, is my personal gift. I am meant to help people get healthy and embrace themselves for the beautiful people they are- one individual at a time.

I am not going to harp on COVID. It is tiring to everyone I meet including myself! I am going to share this. The effect COVID has had on brown/black/lower class people has been deadly. The high amount of metabolic health issues and co-morbidities have wrecked lives and killed hundreds of thousands of people. I began thinking- what if I could make a change. Introduce thought processes and educational facts to this ignored group of people? I could potentially save several lifes and enhance others quality of life and longevity! I am going to focus my energies on just that. Information, education and reformation. I have a purpose on Earth.

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In with the NEW!!  !! 2021 !!

In with the NEW!! !! 2021 !!

I am beyond excited for a new YEAR!!!!! 2020 was extremely hard for my personality. I empathize with humanity. If someone is hurting- I hurt. I witnessed a lot of pain this year. I also struggle with not having control. With Covid running Rapid, I