Emsculpt for Diastasis Recti

I know….I know….I speak of having my babies back to back nonstop. I speak of stretchmarks, my weak bladder, the horrendous acne I had for a year and my increased facial hair. I speak of these things because they are my current reality. The GREAT news? Every single thing I am complaining about I am doing something about!

I had a very severe grade of Diastasis Recti after having my 2nd daughter (third child). After speaking with my doctor who m would of preferred for me to have surgery to fix the separation in my abs, I decided to pass and see of I could close the gap up with proper exercises. My gap closed up quite a bit over the last 2 years however after all my weight loss, exercising and improved dietary intake, I still had a gap in my lower abs which was causing a pouch I could not get rid of.

After doing a LOT of research, I read some moms saying Emsculpt helped close their Diastasis Recti! The service in my area (Denver) was extremely pricey ($1500/session) however, I decided to try the service. An office had a bogo on the service.

I went every other week just 2 times and I am AMAZED at how much stronger my abs are. My gap is closing very quickly and my tummy is getting flatter.

I 100% believe this service was worth it. My I surface deductible alone is $6250! I saved money and have results! I can’t day this service works for everyone and you should DEFINITELY listen to your doctor…but this service worked for me.

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