530p quitting time

My baby girls 💕

This is the first year since my girls were born 4 and 3 years ago that I have had a few hours of time to myself 4 days a week. This year, both of my children were accepted to half day early education classes. Classes are from 1150am until 315pm. With commute time, I officially have 3 complete hours of time to do what I need to do. I could clean the house, so laundry, take a nap, work, run errands, shop, meet a friend for lunch…the possibilities are ENDLESS! I have had 3 days of practice thus far. To my surprise, the feeling of accomplishing so many task put a drive in me to accomplish even MORE task. When I picked the girls up from school, I would go home and continue working until 1030pm. My daughters would say “mom!! Look!” And I would reply “not right now sweetie, mommy is working. Maybe later…k?”

It occurred to me that my 3 year old daughter HATED that answer! She would say “Mom! You are not TALKING to me! I want to TALKKK!!!” I realized I was prioritizing work, not family. I had zero life/work balance. This was NOT okay. I evaluated day and realized I picked the girls up from school and I am home by 315pm. The girls want a snack and sleep from 4-530pm. When the girl wake up at 530pm…it is QUITTING time! I am off the clock and my family gets my full attention. I put my phone away and I am 100% fully attentive to my family. Yesterday evening was the first day I tried this and it was super. The girls and I went to the park to play, came home, ate a yummy dinner, the girls had a long bubble bath, I brushed their teeth and off to bed they went! Exhausted and happy💕

I absolutely LOVE being a mom. I literally LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEE it. I never want my actions to have my beautiful babies believe they are not the oil to my wheel because they are. They are FANTASTIC. When I see them, my heart melts and I thank the Lord above I was blessed with the opportunity to raise such amazing humans. My daughters need to totally and fully feel the amounts of love I have for them. No matter how much work I get done, I am NEVER caught up. It is up to me to prioritize my day and simply stop when time is up. I will never get the time back to watch them grow up. I refuse to miss my life and not be present. Being present is a present. No screen time, media time or television time. It is my children and I living our glorious lived together ❤️

**Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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