Decades of judgement

I have had a WEEK! It seems that everyone and their mothers felt entitled enough to tell me their opinions about my body. A woman who doesn’t know me blurted out that I’m not skinny at a gathering. My size bothered her when she knew I was a personal trainer in health and wellness. My client said I was “chunky,” but it was “fine” because “Blacks tend to be bigger.” Another man in the gym said I was “bold” to wear bright pants. Another lady said she loved my “ethnic” scarf, and my hair is “cool.” Another lady said she would have dressed up more at an event if she knew it was “going to be a fashion show.” The list goes on and on and on.

News Flash. I don’t live for anyone but myself.

I would be an awful, miserable, depressed individual if I lived for what people thought of me, and I surely wouldn’t be in the health and wellness field. I have never fit the “mold” anywhere I have lived at any stage of my life. I am usually the only person of color wherever I am and the only woman when I have worked high power jobs. Yes. I have run regions and districts in positions before. I graduated the top of my class in high school AND college. Forgive me if I scoff when some woman asked me if “I am even educated.” Yes, I was asked if I was even educated.

I am a very smart woman who understands that no one defines me, but me. I don’t need anyone to tell me what I am. Keep your opinions on me being too fat, too slow, too female, too short, too whatever. I decide who I am. Furthermore, if you feel a need to tell me every time I lose or gain weight- don’t. I know what I am, who I am, when something happens ,or doesn’t happen. I am smart. I am capable, and I definitely know my body. I have good moments and tough moments like everyone else. This is me exploring you to live for YOU.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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