Just because Boots

Boot Love

I have been back from Vegas for about a week and immediately noticed .y mood has been AWFUL. In Vegas I wore what I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted As many times as I wanted and felt FABULOUS. I am a creature of self expression. During Covid, I was unable to fully express myself the way I enjoy expressing! I love makeup (lots and lots of makeup!), I had my nails done every two weeks for literally 26 years. It was such a joy of mine to mindlessly scroll through a multitude of pictures to find the design that “spoke to me”. I loved the way my hands looked with my nails done. My nails are naturally extremely short. When the nail salons shut down, I was forced to take my nails off and never put them back on. I wore mask every day, all day and had severe skin issues. I didn’t hVs anywhere to go. Our household ordered groceries which were delivered to our door, I literally never got gasoline time for my car for 3 months. Stores were shut down. Movies were shut down. Dining was “to go” only. Why would I wear my *very* expensive makeup to stare at a wall!? I couldn’t even go to the gym to work out- even THEY were closed!

I went all out for Vegas. I got my nails done, a pedicure, a facial, watched my dietary intake sharply, drank A lake worth of water in ounces, and dressed like I were in pre-pandemic Era. When I stepped out for this particular weekend- I felt like myself for the very first time since the pandemic began.

I didn’t realize how much of who I was happened to be stripped during this last two years. Going to Vegas showed me the parts of myself I had lost. Now, I am fighting to get the self identifying parts of myself back. I started today putting my high snake patterned boots on to meet friend for lunch. Were they “extra” for Loveland,CO? Probably🤣 But, these boots represent a slice of who I am (:

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