MCT oil

I don’t want to ever act like I am the Queen of the Low carb/Keto lifestyle. There are a lot of moments of trial and error to which I would love to share with others so we all can succeed and win. 3 years ago when I first attempted to eat low carb I had heard of bullet proof coffee. In my mind anything that would help me lose weight was worth a try. Every day I would pour oils and organic butter in a cup of coffee not understanding the correct way utilize this method. Obviously I did not lose weight. Infact, I gained weight and blamed it on the coffee.

This go around with the understanding that keto/low carb is a lifestyle that takes consistency has been a game changer. I have listened to my body. I don’t eat unless I am truly hungry which tends to be around lunch (noon-1pm) and I try not to eat too late (anytime after 7pm-ish). If I eat too late I personally don’t sleep well. Listening to my body led to non-intentional intermittent fasting. I got to a point where even though I was sleeping well I still felt sluggish during my morning workout. I love to lift and do HIIT training and without a carb heavy diet I couldn’t get my flow going.

After talking to another trainer who also eats a keto/low carb lifestyle, he suggested bulletproofing my coffee with just coffee and MCT oil. I was extremely reluctant since my weightloss had been going so well. I began to think about the pros / cons and decided the benefits out weighed the risk. The first day after consuming this conco tin prior to lifting I immediately realized I had way more energy to lift and I felt great. 3 weeks later I realized I was losing about .5lbs more per week which is HUGE. That is 2lbs more lost per month! Still doesn’t sound like a huge deal?? That is 24lbs more lost a year! The difference is this time I log my intake better of calories/food/beverages **better** and measure the amounts I use of oil because MCT oil is high in calories. I also time my intake of this concoction to prior to working out.

MCTs are hydrolyzed more rapidly and metabolized more completely than Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFAs) and are less likely to be deposited as fat than LCFAs which gives me a boost of energy prior to my heavy cardio/lifting workouts. Also, MCTs can be converted into ketones and consuming them can support your ketogenic goals more effectively.

Ofcourse as always, consult your doctor prior to introducing MCT oil into your diet. Some people have serious gastrointestinal issues when consuming MCT oil. Another suggestion is if you are not doing a super intense workout and are Intermittent fasting, consuming MCT oil may not be the best idea since it does give you an energy boost.

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