NYE Nerves!

Tomorrow will be a new year and a new DECADE! I thought I would be so excited but I am actually scared to death and nervous! Reflecting on this year brings very few fond memories. Multiple family deaths, sick terminally ill friends, other friends with financial problems and fertility issues. The beautiful thing is. I had 2 daughters back to back before I turned 40 however having kids so late was definitely way more rough on my body. I had multiple physical therapy, occupational therapies and personal mental/emotional therapies, relationship issues, kid issues, a transition of careers…I don’t know what the H*LL happened with this decade.  It was a rollercoaster ride I don’t think I was tall enough to ride.

All I can do is keep faith that this next decade is patient, kind and a littlelesss chaotic. I can not control what life throws at me however I am going to do everything in my power to control my reaction to the events and it let these events emotionally rock me to a point I lose my purpose.

Cheers to staying on course!
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