Too. Much. Protein!

There has been a lot of controversy over my decision to live a low carb/keto lifestyle which doesn’t bother me until some naysayer angrily attacks my personal lifestyle without properly fueling their argument with knowledge. A very very good friend of mine recently shocked me by the amount of venom thrown at me over my personal eating decisions.

Without describing the entire he said, she said conversation here is the summary. She asked how I was shedding my baby weight as quickly as I am. I responded by the keto lifestyle/exercise. She responded keto is non sustainable and when she tried keto many years ago she gained weight. After a 20 min conversation about keto & her attempts of keto I heard her express a very common mistake many people I know who failed at keto made. Too. Much. PROTEIN!

Eating too much protein on keto is just one of the MANY mistakes made by many people but that is the only mistske I am going to address In this post.

When you consume too much protein a process called Gluconeogenesis happens. Gluconeogenesis is a process in your bodies metabolism that produces glucose by catabolic responses from non-carbohydrate sources in the absence of carbohydrates. Simply stated, your body converts amino acids/proteins into glucose…aka. sugar!

It is all so simple! If you want to counteract the benefits of going low carb, consume too much protein!
 Too much protein will have gluconeogenesis creating so much sugar that you’ll end up with high blood sugar levels and large amounts of insulin being released. Counteracting the purpose of omitting carbs and sugar from your diet in the first place.

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