
I am a huge advocacy for holistic care. One huge aspect of my life is daily morning meditation ending with a short visualization practice. I go to an entire different realm of understanding I will be who I see myself being. I visualize myself healthier,stronger, more patient, more loving, more understanding and more accepting of who I am.

I was speaking with a great yogee friend of mine this morning after a very early yoga class. We went to have coffee and talk about the things we have to be grateful for in this world which can sometimes be so incredibly hard to do. As she was discussing how she was grateful to have one more day with her stage 4 cancer ridden husband she said with such conviction “I see myself traveling the world. My husband hated flying but I love flying. When that time comes I am buying a ticket to Milan.”

That was incredible to me. The ability to see the bright side in a miserable situation and put action into her visualization. She knows she will being traveling once that time comes. She sees herself in Milan with her amazing leather shoes enjoying the sights. She IS going. Nothing in my mind made me think she doesn’t believe in the next chapter of her life. So why wouldn’t I have such conviction with my own decisions?

You never know what will inspire you, motivate or change you. Inspiration comes from all different avenues. I can tell you this conversation changed my life. I will put action into who I see myself growing to be.

After leaving the coffee house after speaking with my friend I stopped by a large all inclusive store to pick up a gallon of whole milk. As I was leaving I saw swimsuits on clearance for $3. I bought a swimsuit in a much smaller size that I can see myself in and have declared and visualized myself being obediant and dedicated enough to myself to wear it.

I am taking a cruise in Decembee ro celebrate my 40th birthday and I will wear this suit with confidence.

Visualization -4/6 by December 20th.
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