Candace Can’t Cook & Faith

Filming Day

I do not consider myself a woman of many talents. I love my gym time, helping others transition into a healthier pattern eating lifestyle and helping people become a more fit version of themselves. The rest of my life seems to be an example of what most people do to get through life. It would seem from my social media pages that I am a woman who LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEES the spotlight however that statement couldn’t be further from the truth. If I read something, learn something or understand something that could possibly help others, I will do WHATEVER I can to help- even if that means typing a blog, posting on Instagram or making videos on YouTube.

I am not someone who enjoys cooking. I would rather get a pedicure than cook dinner, clean up what I cooked after preparing food for any lengthy amount of time. Anything over 30 minutes prep and cook time Is for the birds. This does not mean I eat crappie, unhealthy or a lot of fast food. Dont Take the statement of time and dislike to cook long meals for lack of discipline or unhealthy. I have mastered the craft of convenient,quick better for you meals that work for a single person or 50 people. In my brain I am a normal person doing normal people things but to my friend, this was a mastered craft to share with others. My friend explained there are multiple people who can’t seem to keep their health priority when working and/or raising families. These videos may help one person start transitioning to better health due to the time saving ideas. She explained that even though I personally didn’t view this lifestyle as special, others may. She believed in me, the message and the information so much she offered to come film me making these quick videos and help me post them. I truly did NOT want to film myself cooking my super quick foods using frozen veggies and rotisserie chickens…but I decided to put others POSSIBLE  need of quick ideas to stay on track with healthier meals/snacks over my comfortability.  As a joke, one of my friends said “just call this YouTube meal ideas what it is!” That day, “Candace can’t cook” was born.

My life is full of gifts due to the PEOPLE I come across. I learn so much about myself and have been learning to truly value all the large and small abilities I possess and am shown. To the friends, clients, family members and strangers who push me out of my comfort zone and put their love and belief in me- thank you. I wouldn’t be who I am without these little nudges in life.

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