Day 2 of my 21 day reset

Feeling Better🙌🏾

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.*******

I started off my 21 day reset ROUGH. After day one I almost quit!! I was able to check in with my regular physician yesterday who confirmed I am healthy but the next time I get a radical idea about health quest, to check in with her first just to make sure there is a better chance of catching any important details like winging off of a caffeine addiction. It NEVER occurred to me I may be addicted to caffeine until my day one episode. She told me at this point it would be best to stay off the caffeine 100% instead of reintroducing small amounts then slowly winging off. The worse of my withdrawal was over. She then told me to incorporate vegetable or chicken broth into my diet to keep my electrolytes balanced and politely warned me to be careful when dealing with caffeine because people have died from caffeine withdrawals. It can affect multiple things like your heart🤯

I awakened on day 2 with light brain fog and a little fatigue. Other than that- I felt OKAY. I was able to work and workout. After my workday was complete I felt extremely hungry . Once again, I wasn’t prepared and made a very poor choice not to be prepared with a snack. I typically have a low sugar 100 calorie protein drink but that wasn’t an option. I ran some other errands and came home. I was CONSTANTLY thinking about food- and not veggies 🤣When I got home it took everything in me to drink water, eat veggies and not dig into our sugary Thanksgiving ham but I stayed strong. What was interesting to me is 80% of the year I stay on a low carb dietary lifestyle and would never be tempted to eat sugary ham. This is definitely mind over matter. When people are told “No” they want to do the opposite and that is EXACTLY what was going on here. I don’t even care for ham but yet, that Is the first thing I thought of when I walked in my home.

After I finished eating, I promptly went to the grocery store to buy vegetable broth and small snack bags so I can prepare myself better for day 3. I am a lot of things, but I am NOT a quitter.

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