Day 3 of my 21 day reset

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.******

I am really excited about the progress of day 3. The night of day 2 I slept the best I have slept in literally years. I did wake up hungry but today I was prepared. I ate an apple before working out and a nice salad with multiple vegetables and vegetable broth for lunch. Roasted veggies for dinner.

It is literally amazing how much my daily routine was and is controlled by thoughts of food. When am I going to eat? Did I pack a snack? What am I going to eat? How much have I eaten today? Oh- Don’t even THINK about eating that! You should be eating/drinking more if this. Oh, this food looks great in this commercial. I am hungry. I am not hungry. What am I going to select on the menu when I meet my friends out? My brain never stops thinking about food. To occupy my brain with a different topic, I signed up for a personal training continuing education class on strengthening back muscles to move myself forward within my field as well as occupy my mind. I need to focus on something other than the task at hand.

Now that my body has leveled out, I am good with updates for a while. I am going ride this reset wave and focus on my emotional, spiritual and mental health. My next check in about my 21 day reset will be around day 10/11. Enjoy your week.

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