
Getting ready for girl’s night.

Anyone who knows me know I LOVE my girl time. Being with my female friends for the night without babies or husbands is very important to my mental health. Girl time reminds me I am a woman 1st. I am extremely grateful to be a mom, wife, co worker, daughter and the 10,000 other roles I have but I am a woman first.

The other night I went to meet 2 of my girlfriends at a comedy show. Both of these ladies haven’t seen me since my last daughter was a out a month old. When I walked up to my girls they obviously were shocked to see I was not as fluffy as I was a couple of months ago. One friend ran up to me and said “oh my gosh! You are melting away!! What the heck are you doing!?” I explained I was eating a lower carbohydrate diet and take my Zeal supplements daily.

The venue we went to has a minimum amount each person or table has to purchase in food and/or beverages. Once we a were seated at our table, the other girlfriend looks at me and says “Candace, we should order cheese fries and margaritas. I mean…it is girl’s night so ONE day eating junk won’t hurt!” The other friend encouraged me to let loose and pig out with them since I haven’t seen them in 2 months. I politely looked at them and explained THEY can eat WHATEVER they would like and I will order what I like. I laughed off their attempts to sabotage my diet and told them that Cheesefries don’t make an night out fun, the company makes the night fun and I WILL enjoy my time.

The ladies order loaded cheesefries and sweet flavored margaritas as they wanted and I ordered bone in non breaded hot wings with ranch, celery and carrot sticks with a clean martini. Just a great vodka with a fresh squeeze of lime.

The night was great. We laughed and drank and ate together. Had the girls not have asked me what style of eating I was eating, they would have never of picked up on my lack of carbs. When they realized what I was doing I believe subconsciously they wanted to sabotage me but not consciously. I was already prepared for the battle of the wills.

Watch out for people in your life who are close to you and can possibly persuade you off of your wellness path. Junk food should not be a requirement to have fun.

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