Girl Power 💕

I can not stress the importance of surrounding yourself with other like minded individuals who are all striving to progress themselves and others forward in life. The power of surrounding yourself that uplift you and help you progress forward in life. Thr power of surrounding yourself with others who support each other’s causes. The power of allowing other people’s strengths grow your weaknesses and Vice versa. The only way to make strides toward success is to surround yourself with that mindset and more powerful mindsets than yourself.

I have spent the last decade “cleaning my Closet out.” I had to eliminate and/or reduce the time I was spending with individuals who were draining my energy and tolerating me instead of celebrating me. My energy was literally being drained to the point I was unable to move my personal self and businesses forward. I began reading books and listening to professionals who have attained what I am striving to obtain. The common theme? Energy maintenance.

I made up my mind I would no longer give and not receive. No matter how much I cared for someone, if they were taking more energy than was being returned, the time spent with that person was reduced or eliminated. If they wanted to remain part of my daily life, we had a conversation about my personal needs. If that person was willing to match my frequency, we remained on touch.

A great example is a friend who kept inviting me to her clothing parties. I would go and support every party I could. I ALWAYS made Purchases to support her small side hustle. I invited her (for years) to my events and it was one excuse after another as to why she didn’t respond to my invite (how rude!) and she never attended ANY of my events. I no longer support her events. I can not continuously give and not receive support in return. That is one way energy. No more giving energy without receiving energy in return. I am important and I value the person I am and what I have to offer the world ❤️.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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