Starving? Nope….mind games.

Consistency = Results

It hasn’t been a secret. This summer dietary intake was poor. I made a decision to reel myself in and make consciously better dietary choices. Along with being better aware what I was in taking, I have also been aware of how MUCH I have been consuming. In order to shed some of this extra chub, I have to decrease my caloric intake.

I have been slowly decreasing my caloric intake by about 50-100 calories a day in order to get my daily intake down to 1500-ish. Today I stayed so darn HUNGRY. I did all the things I know to do to help stave off hunger. At the end of the day, sometimes even when you give it your all, the truth is, you are just hungry!

After a few more days of being uncomfortable, this all shall pass. The truth is, diet companies, websites, articles, coworkers, family members….they all have advice on how to make transitioning into a healthier lifestyle easy. The reality if it all is sometimes eating healthy is hard, uncomfortable and not what is desirable. Some days, it is super easy to stay on track. I can not guarantee that eating cleaner is easy, I can inform you that living with chronic pain, on medications, being uncomfortable in your clothes and even worse-your own skin, having digestive issues, memory fog, depression,regret, poor cardio…there are a multitude of reasons to fight to remain the healthiest version on myself.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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