It is the small things.

I was invited to attend a client appreciation night for a wonderful ladybI had met last year. Going to this event meant I had to cancel 2 zoom Health Coaching group meetings and pay $60 for 3 hours of babysitting for me girls.

Initially I was going to pass on this amazing opportunity because I was thinking about the money I would be giving up by canceling clients and the mo ey I would be spending by hiring the neighborhood’s 14 year old baby sitter. In a flash, I decided that I hadn’t been out of the house for anything fun in months and I really wanted to wear clothes other than workout clothes and put on some darn makeup!

I went to this event and had a fantastic time. I drank wine and caught up with friends. I laughed and took pictures. I felt like I had found a little slice of me for 2.5hours.

In this night I realized that me time in other capacities can be more valuable than money. Focusing on making money isn’t the end all, be all of life. Happiness Stems from connections, self care, and days of doing nothing.

Last year, I let the immense stress of starting my non-profit consume everything that I was. I was robbed of happiness, sleep, and comfort. I drank wine and snacked mindlessly. I didn’t make time to get to the gym and complained about how miserable I felt not being able to work out. There wasn’t a single day I stopped to smell the roses, laugh with friends, take time out for self care or simple take a bath. I was overworked, overwhelmed, overstretched, over stressed, and worn down.

I refuse to repeat history. Today is full of down time, no electronics, detaching from the world and soaking up my children. Yes, I work A LOT. I plan to change the World! I remember that I can be great to others if I can not be great to myself 1st.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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