Pandemic Mental Health

I remember the night I wore this outfit- I was nervous to be seen without mask in public but was able to hide my anxieties with this smile. After the picture was taken, I was floored by how well my smile hid my true feelings! Anxiety, nervousness, paranoia and stress all rolled into one. As this night progressed, I ended up having so much fun and this picture became a representation of a great night out.

It is time to check in on mental health. I have believe I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder issues associated with this Covid 19 pandemic. I spent countless months nervous about my parents or children catching Covid and possibly having irrevocable damage from the illness. I watched a dear friend of mine who truly did NOT believe in the severity of Covid end up catching Covid. This friend is now dealing with covid related heart damage and severe long covid symptoms. I spent almost a full year worried about my family’s job security and felt continously nervous about my ability to provide financially for my family. The world became more divided and racism began to outwardly rear its’ ugly head. As I was waking down the street of my own neighborhood with my small daughters, 2-3 men In a large truck with confederate flags threw A semi full beer can at me yelling “get out of my neighborhood N*gger!” I haven’t taken a walk in my neighborhood since 😢.

All of these feelings haven’t had an appropriate outlet. All the things I did prior to the pandemic were altered, stripped away or no longer offered. I decided to take action. I called my health Insurance company to get a list of in-network therapist near me and then made an appointment to see my new therapist in 2 weeks.

I have zero shame in telling others I need help getting on a different mental path. I need to be the best version of myself at all times and a great role model for my children. I hope if anyone needs professional help, they are not afraid to seek it! We all need to use any and all tools available to us to move ourselves forward💕 If you or anyone you know is struggling with their mental or emotional help, please reach out to your doctor. Always fight to live your best life.

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