Stop and Be Still

230pm moment of Zen

My mind went crazy today with nothingness. I hope I am not the only person in the world that this happens to…🤔😁. I have been purposely been getting up on Saturday mornings to make step class. I cannot say I thoroughly enjoy step class however it challenges me in ways no othe class has ever challenged me. I sweat more than any other activity I have ever done and it challenges my brain. Some mornings I can’t use an actual bench because of some long lasting injuries but coordinating the moves then incorpating those moves with cardio = 🤯. I finished step and wanted to lift but I had to set up for clients and work. No lifting today!

After work(today is Saturday), my mind began racing with to-do list and how I was going accomplish these to list…but I am officially off Sunday and Monday! I have PLENTY of time to accomplish the things I nees to accomplish. I couldn’t understand why I felt rushed and pressed. To stop my mind from racing, I meditated for about 7 mins. The stillness of my body, the gratitude of the things which are good and the quietness of the moment was perfect. That moment of stillness helped me hit my internal reset button. After meditation- I was renewed and ready to start my day. My mind became still and clear.

There is never a “bad time” to stop and take time for yourself to be still. Meditation is just a quiet time with intentional positive thoughts,connectivity to yourself/Universe and gratefulness. Breathe in and feel your lungs expand, your heart beating and envision your calm. Peace. Be still 💕

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