
In mid 2019 I had my mind completely made up that my calling in the world was to start a non-profit to help the underprivileged and undeserved community learn how to make small health, wellness and movement changes over time which will, in time, make huge lifestyle improvements. My dream, desire and calling is to save lives and/or maximize the quality of people’s lives. Being passionate about health/wellness was not enough, I needed to get into the communities and literally be a guiding light to others who may need a little clarity on what healthier can look like. An active “boots on the ground” initiative.

With 2 new born babies, a teenage son, husband, friends, family, work, gym time, food prepping, continuing education classes, traveling, maintaining time for my personal self care and serving others needs, I was only giving the start-up process of my Non-profit about 65% of my energy and attention. When I FINALLY got around to filing for our 501c3 status and making moves to contact a web designer, the nation entered into a pandemic and the entire world LITERALLY shut down. I received a letter stating that due to the worldly events, I would have to reapply for our Non-profit’s 501c3 status when the United States reopened. The world had a way of robbing me of time since I have been an adult on this Earth. The gift of the pandemic was I was able to sit and think about my dreams for weeks at home. I actually had TIME on my side. These unfortunate events led to a clarity I had never experienced before; a great reminder that everything happens as it should.

In the midst of my deep thought process it became extremely clear thst the reason I only gave my non-profit 65% of my energy was because I was expending energy in areas that were simply draining my life and not adding value to my life. Putting my energy into useless arenas ensured I was nebergoing to be able to have 100% to give until I dropped the things which were constantly draining my energy. I made a list of all the areas in my life that were simply not worthy of my attention and cut all of those people, groups, job requirements and any other item which was draining my energy out. I no longer was going to be the person who always gave, and never received. I suddenly understood that if I only gave my dream 65% of my effort and attention, the MAXIMUM that would be able to be obtained was 65%. I need to give all that I have to achieving my dreams and then dig down even deeper and give more. I now spend time daily on things that recharge my batteries so I can give my energy to the things which will move my dreams forward. Yoga, meditation, lifting weights and even writing this blog helps me rejuvenate my soul. Rejuvating my soul re-energizes me. I hope someone in the world reads this blog and realizes they are worthy of preserving their energy and focusing on their dreams. Don’t allow unnecessary people, places, or things drain your energy!

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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