There is no place like home.

**This blog post is my opinion.**

I live in Northern Colorado about 45mins from the base of the Rocky Mountains and I LOVE Colorado. After living in an apartment in Fort Collins, CO for approximately 3 months, I knew I wanted to make Colorado my home and immediately began building our “forever home.” I have now been in my home for almost 7 years slowly making every detail specific to my family’s likes and needs.

About 3 weeks ago we had a huge windstorm and as an result several of my ceramic roof tiles blew off. I was in shock that this happened but was relieved to know the roof tile was covered. A roofer came out and explained we would need a new roof. What!? A new roof!?!?!? Yes. A new roof. Come to find out even though my roof was an easy fix, the company that made my roof tiles went out of business during the pandemic and the tiles can no longer be replaced. Due to the tile not being able to be replaced, we would need and roof because tiled roof materials are not interchangeable between manufacturers. This process has been a nightmare. Our roof is still attached with gaping holes in it.

In the instance of my roof, although it absolutely sucks that our roof was damaged in that severe windstorm, without the windstorm damaging our roof, we wouldn’t have known about the roof tiling company going out of business. We officially are in the final countdown time wise of our roof being contract able so the windstorm damaging our roof was actually a GREAT thing. Another example of how all things seemingly bad and good happen exactly as they should.

There are a million things that happen on my day to day journey that I truly do not understand. Sometimes I get a little rocked because I want to know the end story and why’s to everything. I have to slow down at times, breathe and remind myself that everything happens as it should. Trust in your life and believe that everything you need is right on front of you.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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