Fear No More

When I started my reduced carb lifestyle many years ago I LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEED the results I saw from clean eating and exercise. I was almost scared to eat a carbohydrate other than a veggie or 2 because I didn’t EVER want to be the 300lb+ woman I left in the rear view mirror. I spent decades feeling comfortable rocking such a controversial dietary lifestyle. I feared what people would think of me in public. I feared the night I ate a slice of birthday cake or took a bite of a French fry from my husband’s plate. I was not afraid of simple carbohydrates. I was not afraid of indulging. I was afraid that I would consume an amount of simple carbohydrates that rocked me off my mental ability to stay eating clean for the long haul.

I have learned over the years not to EVER live my life in a process of overconsuming simple carbohydrates daily. I value the longevity of living healthy. It is a very slippery slope of indulging. Do you think that the person you remember at 140lbs and see again a year later at 170 lbs gained that 30lbs in one day? In one week? In one month? NO. This person began mentally allowing themselves to eat a little here, drink a little more there and justified their behavior. They told themselves there was “nothing wrong with moderation” so much to the point they could not truly see that their eating was out of control. They lived a life of denial long enough to gain 30lbs. I literally feared that conclusion for myself. I don’t want to wake up one day and not be proud of the person I am- mentally, physically, Emotionally, spiritually, financially, as a mother, wife, daughter or friend. I want to live in my present. I want to be the best version of me I can be. This looks different for everyone.

I will walk in my personal shoes unapologetically me. For me that means working out 5-6 days a week, eating an 80% clean diet, being mindful of my mind, body and spirit, being polite to all and stay gratefully humble. I want to feel confident in everything I wear and know that every day I am being the best person I can for me and prioritizing myself.

**Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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