4th day transition bliss

I can’t believe the difference between the first 3 days of transitioning back to Keto and today- the 4th day. Over time, my diet has become more and more filled with carbs. One major factor in my sway to low carb versus keto was my “sugar free” beverages. I love my sugar free lemonades and other fake flavored drinks however those fake sugars tainted my taste buds and made me crave more carbohydrates. The second large contribution to my slow carb creep were my cashews.

Cashews are just fine in moderation however when you eat too many of them like I was doing, I became a high caloric lower carb girl. I have had stalled weightloss for about 4 months and I still have about 35 pounds of weight to lose to get to my “happy weight.”

Day 4- losing my belly bloat

I began my health and fitness challenge which I named the Quarantine Fifteen Health/Wellness challenge September 1, 2020. The goal of this challenge was to set rules which would challenge my personal daily intake and work on being more aware of my health. Being mindful is something that constantly needs to be worked on in my life.

The first 3 days I had a severe headache all day. I felt faint, beyond hungry and craved a diet soda. These same issues plagued me day 2 and 3! Before I went to bed on day 3 (last night when this blog post was written) I took a hard look at my food entries for the last few days and realized I was not consuming enough fat! When I awakened this morning I immediately realized my headache was gone and I felt WONDERFUL. I made myself some bullet proof coffee and within 30 mins I was not hungry AT ALL. I forgot how energetic and satisfied I feel when I wake up and drink bulletproof coffee still in my fasted state. When I went to wash my face and brush my teeth I saw that I physically looked different. The bloat on my tummy had gone down, my face looked a tad leaner and my skin was brighter.

The entire day 4 I constantly played around with adding potential meals in my app to get used to balancing less protein and more FAT while staying within my calorie range. Although I did eat as much fat that is recommended for Keto, I did increase my fat increase by 60%. I will continue to work on this balance.

I do enjoy how satisfied I feel with more fat. Eventhough I have been low carb/keto for years, it never hurts to dig down to the bare roots of this lifestyle.

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