Bulletproof coffee- Intermittent fasting

I am hosting a 30 day health/fitness challenge which began this past Tuesday on 9/1/2020. I have noticed my personal diet has had some carb creeping and increased amounts of artificial sweetners. I have noticed due to my carb creeping, steering clear of bad food has become an issue which has not been happening until this last 60 days. I introduced whole salted Cashews into my food mix which became me indulging in WAY too many nuts, calories and inturn- carbs! My weight loss stalled.

I have goals to be a motivational speaker and influencer for the low carb lifestyle. My health is the best it has ever been. With my goals in mind, staying committed to my lifestyle is beyond extremely important. I need to live the lifestyle I believe in.

During this next 30 days, It is imperative that I start my weightloss journey again. I began Intermittent fasting and reducing my daily caloric intake however I have been feeling deprived and hangry. A benefit of living low carb is the advantage of not feeling deprived and hungry so I decided to log my food and take a deep look at my macros.

I realized that I was not eating enough FAT. Fat keeps you satisfied and helps your body turn its fat burning furnace on so I began drinking a cup of bulletproof coffee in the morning. Drinking bulletproof coffee does NOT take me out of ketosis and helps me feel super satisfied until my 2pm meal. I stopped having an issue eating too much protein and calories and increased my energy levels.

It seems so contradictory to eat fat to lose fat. I 100% feel better and physically am seeing progress once again. I weigh in Monday morning so the scale will hold the key!

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