Day 3….getting back on track

After/before ❤️

The last 3 months has been EXTREMELY difficult for me to stay on dietary track. Period. I explained in a previous post that I LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEE summer. Summer may not alway love me back with the amount of opportunities presented to use willpower. BBQ’s, concerts, gatherings, parties, girl’s nights, traveling, trips….all the things that eat at your willpower with all the options and opportunities provided. I am WAAAAYYYY easier on myself in the summers.

Last week I tried on a pair of actual blue jeans without stretch (yes, if you look REALLY hard, you can still find a pair!). To my dismay, I could not button those jeans when I tried them on 🤦🏾‍♀️. These jeans were about 1/2″ from buttoning 😬No worries. I KNEW that was going to be the case. My eating habits have not supported positive outcomes 😬. I desperately need to be able to fit my fall/winter wardrobe. Fall will be here before we know it!

I immediately began to cut back on my alcohol intake, drinking more water, adding more cardio into my exercise days, wearing my fitbit, logging my food….ALL THE THINGS to get my life on track. Here is the truth. The first 3 days after I truly start to focus I feel like crap. Not just regular crap…like exhausted STARVING crabby crap. It is an AWFUL 3 day process for my body to become acclimated to reduced calories without the alcohol and excessive carbs.

On day 3 I look in the mirror and I can visibly SEE my body looking SOOOOOOOOOO much better. I begin to feel better. Sleep better. Think better. Move better. Without fail, I wonder “why did I even get off track!?” This thought only happens after the 3rd day 🤣

I have some side gigs that will require photos. I must feel comfortable to be able to take these photos which means I must treat my body like the temple it is. Consistency = Results. All will be fine. I just need to stay consistent.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.***

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