Don’t scrub your teeth NOW!

It was a tuesday eveing when I realized my 17 year old son NEEDED to go to the dentist. Typically, my son goes to the dentist every 6 months bit his teeth were looking unusually yucky as if he hasn’t brushed them for years. I decided to take advantage if a super reduced cleaning special our dental office was having and get his teeth cleaned an extra time on me. Summer break is ending and he probably had been more lazy with his oral care than usual. We lucked out and got into the dental office the same week I noticed his teeth were gross on that Friday morning. Our district is one of the last to go back to school. Scheduling happened quicker than I imagined.

Friday morning rolled around. About 20 mins before my son and I had to leave for the dentist I saw my son literally scrubbing his teeth. He placed gobs of toothpaste on his toothbrush and brushed…and brushed…and brushed his teeth. After my son brushed his teeth, he rinsed with mouthwash, flossed and did it again! As we drove to the dentist I spoke to my son explaining “the dentist will see how you cared for your teeth the last 4 months….not just today. Today DOES count. You were able to get your teeth cleaner which is nicer for the dentist, but the build up and damage that happened is done.” My son couldn’t make up a entire summer of dental hygiene neglect in 20 mins.

I see this type of behavior **ALOT** in my wellness world. You can’t gorge on junk food for an entire weekend then come in Monday for a two hour lift session or 5 mile run and think that will undue the damage. I feel pretty confident saying you did not burn off 5000 extra calories in your 2 hour workout. If you have this trend more weekends than not, you will most like GAIN WEIGHT then come tell me how you eat great, exercise all the time and for SOME REASON you keep gaining weight! You try everything in the book from intermittent fasting to yoga and strength training but you body is rebelling. I hear it non stop. Consistency = Results. The sporadic 1-3 day binge is not consistent with your goals and it does not yield results!

I am not saying there are not cases if people who eat well and within their calorie range who do not gain weight…(hello menopause!). I am saying more often than not, the person gaining weight had a habit that isn’t consistent with their desire to lose/maintain their weight like weekend binge drinking/eating, eating potato chips mindlessly after a stressful day while binge watching television…etc. Health is not a one and done event. Health is a consistent everyday awareness with action to maintain.

**Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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