Stages of Change

Getting back on track

Have you ever wondered why changing your eating behaviors can at times be so EXTREMELY challenging? Prior to studying weight management courses, I wondered as well. I learned in my courses that there is often a gap between what you INTEND to do and what you ACTUALLY do. We all go through a cycle called the “stages of change.” By recognizing the various stages of sustainable change, it is easier to set yourself up for long term success.

Stages of Change

No one is perfect. We all do what we can to be the best we can. Sometimes we so extremely well for a long time, other times we have a vacation that throws us of our dietary intake track or a birthday celebration that we end up extending past the day or even week! These things happen. It is important to know that just because we fall down, we don’t STAY down. We know the “recurrence” stage is GOING to happen. It is what we do when we hit this stage that determines the outcome of our health. Do we wallow in this occurrence and begin gaining weight? Do we immediately correct our course and stay on a healthy path ensuring we don’t cycle into a yo-yo phase? Do we give up and get back on medications and have body aches? Decide your path. Remember, this decision WILL impact your life. Make the decision to positively impact your life.

I am currently in the reoccurence phase. I had my 12 year wedding anniversary and we went out for dinner, drinks and ice-cream. My husband was promoted 8 weeks ago which overloaded both of our schedules. I lost all similance of routine. I have not made it to the gym. I have not been able to properly food prep. I have gained weight. No, I am not sad about this. I have decided to take action and have developed a plan to get back on track. LIFE HAPPENS. Be proud of yourself for managing the amount of workload you have thus far!

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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