Porkrind Reality Check

A bag of Porkrinds from a good friend of mine as a gift was the reality check that I needed!! Let me back up. I fell of of my excellent eating regime on May 15th, 2022. I know the exact date because this is my youngest daughter’s birthday. After my daughter blew out her #3 birthday candle. My daughter looked at me while eating her cake and asked me to take a bite of her cake out of love and excitement! Ofcourse I took a bite of her cake which she fed to me with affection. That piece of cake was EXCELLENT to my taste buds. I proceeded to cut and eat my own piece of my daughters birthday cake.

My daughters cake sat in the kitchen the next morning. I moved the cake around so I couldn’t see it. After dinner, my entire family asked for a slice of cake. I couldn’t resist eating another slice of cake after I cut the cake for my family. My mistake? I licked the icing off my fingers.

Shortly after my daughter turned. 3, my husband received a promotion. When we went out to eat to celebrate, my selection of dinner was poor…so we’re the multitude of adult beverages. I drank enough to trigger the “I don’t care what I eat” syndrome. From that point forward, I made consistent poor choices. We had parties, get togethers and 4 family birthdays (one a week) until July 25th. I caught a side view of myself in a picture my neighbor took and INSTANTLY knew I had to stop this cycle.


At a girl’s night shortly after this picture was taken, I was handed a bag of BBQ Porkrinds – my absolute favorite snack. I had given up porkrinds because I was attempting to give up additional fat since I had increased my carbohydrate intake. I was not “keto” and I am very respectful of the boundaries between keto and reduce/low carb macros.

The next day I was staring in the mirror very frustrated and just *COULDN’T* eat. I left for work. After work. I had a million errands to run. As I was running errands, I started to become hungry and ate some of the porkrinds my friend gave to me with an ice cold bottle of water. After a long day at work and running errands. I went home, made dinner and went to bed. I realized when I had awakened I was losing my sugar cravings. I was depleting the Glucose stores in my body and I was starting to feel better mentally. I can do this. I can get back on track to my normal lifestyle.

From that minute on, I was back on track. Yes, I had a few days of fighting sugar cravings, but I was able to stay away from the addictive Glucose containing foods. πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ

I know this is the way a cycle works and I am okay with it! I just needed to get back on track 😊.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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