Summer blues

Denver BBQ Fest!

This summer has been rough on me already and it Is literally still July! With Covid depleting opportunities to socialize for 2 YEARS this summer my family and I have said “yes” to almost every invite physically possible. Looking at my schedule this week alone Monday night I had a birthday party, Tuesday night a concert, Wednesday night game night with neighbors, Thursday night girls night with friends (and my daughters 💕), Friday night game night with an adult sleepover with friends in a different city, Saturday BBQ & whisky fest, Sunday a birthday party….and the next week looks similar! It is 100% up to me to control my outside influences so I don’t deplete my willpower bucket and begin a cycle of indulgence that is difficult to break.

So what is the resolve to this out of control summer? Saying “no” to any upcoming invites! If something is already on my schedule, it will stay. If something comes up (event, concert, birthday party, or any celebration) I will have to politely decline. Yes, my schedule is loaded now but I can control the rest of the days which are NOT loaded. Time to refocus.

It has been super nice bei g able to enjoy my summer as much as I have been ae to. I need to make sure I reigne in any other activities yo minimize the damage!

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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