The tire that broke the camels back

I have had a whirlwind two weeks. It started with a coffee date I had with a lady whom asked me to meet in order to speak about my non-profit. When I arrived the conversation was more of an interrogating personal attack with strong hints of racial assumptions. I mean, this lady asked me if I knew who both my parents are and if they were ever married AFTER she asked me how many fathers my children have and of I were with any of the fathers. 🤯 After making sure I had a “hard stop” on that conversation, social plans fell through due to a last minute change of plans and lack of a babysitter on my end to which I was accused of canceling due to wanting to “dictate” the dinner plans…🤔, I was concerned that my daughters were not being kind to other children in daycare because a child said my daughters ripped his shirt, my husband had to figure out how to get home after a half day at work because we had major schedule conflicts with my daughter’s. As my husband  was leaving the health inspector walked into his building which caused major stress, I literally fell in my shower truly hurting my hip, my 16 year old son was learning how to back his suv out of our driveway and smashed into my favorite custom planter, our roof was damaged in a horrendous wind storm and working with the warranty department to fix our roof has been an absolute nightmare, and as I was going to my bi-weekly therapy appointment to discuss my weekly woes, my car’s flat tire indicator came on as I was parking my car…..😫😫😫😫 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

The stress of the week was manageable until my flat tire. Sometimes, I do have “the straw that broke the camel’s back” moment. In this case, it was the flat tire that broke the camel’s back! When I turned my car off and looked at my passenger rear tire, it was indeed extremely flat. I initially thought that I was handling my stress very well. I realized that I had been handling these transitions very poorly. I had been snacking on junk, sleeping very little and extremely irritable for 2 weeks now. When I went to my doctors appointment, I realized I had gained 3lbs. My husband told me that I have been rude for days. I realized I need to emotionally RESET. I am rocked. The stress of everything HAS gotten to me and I am woman enough to admit it! What now?

Now is the time I start to dig down deeper into my core and Amping up my self care. I will disconnect from electronic devices, meditate, take deep breaths, read a book, call a great friend and laugh, play with my kids, drink more water, decrease stimuli such as caffeine, and stop a few times a day to express my gratitude. I deserve to be the healthiest version on myself. I am worthy.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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