Deep Roots

Relaxing on my Back Patio

Yesterday my family and I went to my neighbors home for game night and dinner. We were humming along enjoying the evening when my neighbor said “your grass sure does look excellent this year! My wife and I have been admiring your yard!” I was beyond humbled because their yard has always been considered the nicest yard on the block.

This comment from my neighbors made me think about life. Perhaps I get too “deep” when thinking about day to day operations! Lol! When we moved in, my neighbors quickly eatablished young sod and threw loads of nitrates on their yard to make their yard turn deep green extremely quickly. I am NOT a uatd exoert but from what I understand, an excess of nitrogen, caused by fertilizer over-application, can result in rapid, lush growth and a diminished root system. In extreme cases, too much quick-release nitrogen can cause burning of the leaf tissue and plant death. Nitrate overload = bad. Mt husband and I decided to slow build a string roots system. We spent hours replacing bad sod, filling in low areas with dirt, reseeding, watering and strategically planting trees and bushes to ensure we were properly shading our yard. Some years were better than others but we spent summer after summer putting the work in to develop a strong root system. Now 8 years later, we have an established yrd with a great root system. It is true that initially our neighbors yard APPEARED better but in the long term we put the work in to establish a great foundation for our yard. Metaphorically speaking we built our yard on a stone foundation and they built their yard on sand. After years of pretending they built their yard on stone, the truth revealed itself. No the yard can’t withstand heat, there are often yellowing patches in the yard and the grass burns easily from the sun.

I see this theory come into play EVERY DAY in the fitness world. People crash diet, work out extremely hard, and treat their bodies like garbage cans instead of temples. These people lose 40lbs very quickly only to gain 50lbs 6 months later. Nutrition and wellness is a lifestyle. It takes YEARS to develop habits and lifestyles that work for your body. Often times when you find certain combinations of dietary intake and exercise, that combination stops being as effective as you would like it to be due to many rotating factors (age, food intolerances,, hormones…etc) and you need to start going through different combinations to streamline your wellness journey.

Be kind to yourself. Understand life has many ebbs and flows. Treat your body as the temple it is 🥰

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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