Don’t Stop.

I completed the last 3 tiles in my window sill needed to complete tiling my kitchen. This has been a long time in the making. It took super early mornings before work, late nights after the kids went to bed and any time I could inbetween whatever I could squeeze tile into life. I did this because it has been a dream of mine to have entire kitchen tiled from top to bottom. I have always dreamed of this kitchen and now- it is done.

My Dream Kitchen

Sometimes, as I was tiling, my hands would get raw from the chemicals in the grout. Other times, I would have small cuts on my fingers because the small shards of glass would lodge in my hands from using manual tule cutters to fit each and every peice perfectly. Due to Covid, I ran out of my original tile and had to strategically place the different tile in with my tile. There were a million different issues with tiling my kitchen- including the knowledge of how to tile! I learned how to tile my kitchen because It was a DREAM of mine.

I keep repeating how my dream was to finish tiling my kitchen because It was up to me to complete my vision. I did not make excuses when I came across obstacles, I figured out how to continue with every issue. Yes. I hadany sleepless nights Googling what to do or coming up with strategies on how to blend 3 different tile patterns but I made it happen.

Tiling my kitchen reminds me of everything in life I have had to achieve with blood, sweat and tears. The process was MISERABLE. I had to learn how to do it and figure out how to attain the knowledge of doing it because slate was blank. I had to ask questions to professionals and others who had tiled before. I had to figure out how to get through the adversities I faced to make my dream become my reality but I did it. Looking at my kitchen while I drink my morning coffee truly brings a pleasure I can not explain. I am proud of this hard work. There are mistakes, cracked tiles, caulk where there shouldn’t be and a host of other issues but I did it!!

The point of this blog post is to follow your hesrt to make your dreams come true. Don’t make excuses. Don’t give up when had times hit or things don’t go your way. You figure out how to FIGHT for what you want. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. Fight.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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