Drs Appointment

Date night Pic…I am proud of me!

I went to my annual doctor’s appointment this past Friday. My doctors appointment went well and I was very proud that I have maintained 125lb weight loss for another year! I left the doctors office after my paperwork with my health summary was printed out, paid my co pay and left. When I arrived home I decided to read my paperwork. On the paperwork the notes said my doctor and I had discussed getting proper exercise, eating a proper diet of consuming less sugar, less processed foods and consuming more whole foods. I was LIVID.

My doctor and I had not discussed any of this. I called and daredy Healthcare provider to quiz me on my exercise and consumption knowledge. I expressed how I exercise 6 days a week, don’t consume sugar, processed foods and keep a food diary of my daily intake. I drink a gallon of water daily. I don’t smoke, occasionally drink and get plenty of sleep. HOW DARE the organization assume that because I am considered “obese” on their scale, that this advice be autopopulated on my chart. I wanted this Removed! I do an amazing job of maintaining my weight.

My target weight per the height/weight chart says I should be between 107lbs and 132lbs on the highest end. I will never weigh 132lbs. Ever. 132lbs isn’t realistic nor obtainable for my frame. I wouldn’t be able to maintain that low of a weight. That does not mean I am not healthy. How dare any one have the power to compare me, as a strong black large framed woman, to a small framed Caucasian woman from the 1920s!? How!?

We are all different. We have different genetic backgrounds, different bone structures, different amount of muscleand so many different dispositions. We should be treated as such!

I can understand the concern for health and wellness but let’s not generalize everyone.

*Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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