Early Morning No No’s

Make Time for yourself! ❤

My first client on Saturday mornings is typically 930am. Many people may read that sentence and say to themselves “Good for you for a late start! Sleep in!! It is Saturday!” Although my first client is 930am, I am at the gym by 630am. It is very important to me to get in my 40 min “Red Bed” treatment therapy (www.lightstim.com) which entails a 20min minimum warm up period and 10mins after to clean the room, sanitize/set the room back up for the next client and dress. We are now to almost to 8 am. I set up my exercise equipment required for my circuit and do a 45 min lifting session. Set up, tear down and sanitation on personal equipment is an additional 30 mins total which brings me to 915am. That is just enough time to set up for my 930am client!

There are many mornings when I am exhausted. I have a 16year old son at home as well as 2y.o and 3 y.o daughters! I not only work 17 hours as a personal trainer (34 clients), teach a weekly yoga class, a weekly lifting class (3 hours total) -I also work 10 hours as a health coach via Zoom, teach wellness classes for lower carb diet lifestyle for metabolic diseases (Weighted Solutions) and I am a co-founder of a wellness non-profit (www.oaamovement.org) to which I dedicate any waking hour to. For my Non-profit to succeed, we need grants which means I take a weekly Grant Writing Course which has homework! Between school activities, schooling for myself, work, working out, classes, my small business, a non-profit, this blog, Instagram (LowCarbCandace.OAA), YouTube channel (CandaceOates) commuting my kids to school/extracurricular events, homework, Dinner, cleaning our home, laundry and preparation work for my week I am easily at 70 hours a week. I still work out 6 hours a week, food prep and get to the red bed atleast twice a week. I am responsible for my wellness. I am responsible for my mental health. I am responsible for my food prepping and diet. No excuses. Balance.

There are many of my clients who truly struggle to prioritize themselves. They skip training when they work too late or prioritize something else instead of getting a workout in. I don’t say much to them about their life decisions because these are THEIR life decisions! I use to be in the same mindset years ago when work, family, school, errands, extra sleep, hanging out with friends or WHATEVER would come before me taking care of myself. Shortly after I was married to my first husband, my grandmother had a stroke rendering her non-mobil and unable to speak I realized in that moment she never made time to take care of herself. Everyone and everything was more important than taking a walk or food prepping. She “never had time” to eat healthy meals. My grandmother lived 10+ years in that comatose state. I swore to myself I would do everything in my power to live a QUALITY life and teach others the same.

I hope you hear me loud and clear. If you are not prioritizing yourself, please consider doing so TODAY.

**Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do**

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