Grocery Cart Love

I was so utterly pleased when a very nice woman at the grocery store pulled her very full (a semi junk riddled cart) next to me and said “I wish my cart looked as healthy as yours!” I smiled and said “why wish?” This nice woman replied “I should just do what I know is right but these potato chips were calling my name!”

When I walked to my car with my cart, I couldn’t help but smile. It took me DECADES to rid my life of enough habits to make decent food choices more often than not. Now I get excited to try new vegetables, new seasonings and different cultural flavor profiles all while properly fueling my body. I want to feel my best. When I don’t make good intake choices, I don’t feel my best. Forget about looks! I want to have energy, think clearly, sleep well and not be triggered by sugar to constantly think about food. I want to live my life as well as I possibly can focused on task not having or not having food.

I am proud to post my grocery carts. My grocery carts are a reflection of my growth!

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