M.I.A Girl Trips

I am someone who needs a LOT of mini vacays. Typically I take several girl trips for an extended weekend and one extended annual overseas trip yearly. With COVID everything has been different. I found myself stuck in the house with my kids. I looked at my family time as a blessing and still do. I love my kids. I realized reconnecting with myself keeps me happy. I am not just a mom, just a daughter, just someone’s significant other- I am Candace. Candace has many faces. I enjoy my me time immensely. Getting away from my family keeps me fun, interesting and jovial. When I return from my trips I have stories to share. I am filled with a new vigor! The mounding stress from adulting leaves my body!

Since traveling the way I would like to travel is not an option, I have been focusing my energy to cleaning, organizing and updating my home. I also decided next month I will do a 30 day health/wellness challenge. The stress I need to be released isn’t dissipating the way it would with a quick trip but the irritating things that were creating stress by not getting done/fixed are being accomplished one by one which is creating a different type of stress relief and joy. I wake up daily understanding everything happens as it should.

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