I recently have had a stall in weight loss. I gave up my high calorie nuts…nothing. I added 20 more mins of exercising a day….nothing. I increased my water intake to 1.5 gallons a day….nothing. I increased my vegetable intake…nothing. I only ate between 1pm-6pm…nothing. I logged my food/macro/calorie intake…NOTHING!!! I knew I was doing the best I could be doing. No, I am not cheating, it isn’t carb creep…it is a good ole’ fashion weightloss stall.

On a mission to break through my plateau a week ago I decided to go to OMAD fasting (one meal a day) and I am happy to announce I FINALLY lost a pound! I will take a single pound lost over 3 MONTHS of the same exact weight!

I do not plan on doing the OMAD fasting method more than 2 times a week. Hopefully this has kick started my weightloss journey.

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