Slow and steady….

Inching towards my goal- 445am pic♡

As I have gotten older and have accumulated an immense amount of dietary/behavioral change education, I am finally to a place where I can help myself and others reach their health/fitness goals. Today is one of the first morning of my life that I caught a side view of myself and realized although I am not where I want to be in this 1.5 year post birth journey of health/fitness- I have moved forward.

The entire 1.5 years has been a slow and steady progression. For some that may seem like along time however for me it has been a needed period of adjustment to not only shed the 100+ lbs gained due to having 2 babies in less than 2 years as an older mom, but also adjusting to a lifestyle which has looked extremely different in the midst of a pandemic which has dragged on for over a year now. The stresses which have been placed upon me during this pandemic have been extreme. Constant mask wearing, the logs which have to be kept to keep everyone safe at work, the reservations which have to be made to safely work out within a gym (which often meant I was unable to workout due to my schedule), keeping myself from eating and drinking crap out of boredom, home schooling, not putting my 2 baby daughters in any type of daycare, watching others struggle financially and their home lives breaking down, speaking with clients only to learn they had lost a loved one to COVID related complications-and I can’t leave out the political differences and social/racial disparages…the list goes on and on. Unlike any other period in my life, the last 14 MONTHS of my personal life have been nothing but adjustments.

I am extremely proud of everyone I know whom have kept fighting for their little slice of happiness and progression. I am grateful for all of my clients who kept training with me or health coaching with me throughout it all which provided my family with financial security during a time where there are no guarantees. I am proud of myself for meditating daily and placing belief in the Universe repeating constant mantras of belief all happens as it should, the Universe will provide and the Universe will show me/order my next steps. I am proud of myself for getting outside to take a walk when I was unable to get in a gym, monitoring my food intake via an app 75% of this challenging year- even through the holidays- and immediately self correcting my intake when I had a bad day instead of dragging those poor food choice days out for weeks and derailing my progress.

It has taken me decades to learn and utilize my health/wellness tools. This morning at 445am- I saw my progress with my own eyes. I am hoping everyone will be able to see where they have remained strong and have patted themselves on the back for being here, today, wanting to be the best versions of themselves♡

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