We fall down, but we Get up

Running a non-profit is difficult. There is a lot of hard work, sacrifice, and lack of support coming from every direction. I tell people who ask the question, “What is it like to start a non-profit?” A very simple answer. Running a non-profit is a lot of hard work for very little return. For an overachieving perfectionist; hearing the word “No” sears into your brain like a salmon in a broiler. It is very difficult not to take the constant failures personally, yet every day, I get up and try to achieve one positive thing a day in hopes that one day OAA will garner respect. Why? Because I truly believe OAA can change the world. I believe my skill set and passion is enough to lead the changes needed to make the small mindset shifts needed to lead youths to a healthier tomorrow. I believe in our mission. I believe systemic change can happen. I believe equality in dissemination of information is possible. I love people and believe I can save lives.

I am crazy enough to believe I can change the world. So I will.

There are days when I feel extremely defeated. The universe always provides very large signs that we are to keep going when doubt seeks onto my mind. The day I felt like giving up, a spotlight article was released for our non-profit. Another day, I felt like giving up, a check came in the mail for OAA. These are signs to keep going and to re-fill my bucket with faith and preserverence.

Things aren’t always easy, but they are worth it. People won’t always believe in your missions, but as long as you believe in what you are doing, it is important to keep pushing. Remember your why’s. Stay true to your beliefs and push for your dreams.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal view points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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