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Snapping Back

Snapping Back

I am sounding like a broken record this last 3 months. I really was thrown off of my fitness and dietary routine last year and that lack of focus showed with weight gain, flab, a bad attitude, and was truly the result of intense stress. 

Healthy Balance?

Healthy Balance?

I will talk about this until someone’s ears bleed if I have to. Starting my non-profit in 2022 was more stressful than being pregnant for 2 years straight (my girls are 9.5 months apart). I could not find a healthy balance no matter where I 

Decades of judgement

Decades of judgement

I have had a WEEK! It seems that everyone and their mothers felt entitled enough to tell me their opinions about my body. A woman who doesn’t know me blurted out that I’m not skinny at a gathering. My size bothered her when she knew I was a personal trainer in health and wellness. My client said I was “chunky,” but it was “fine” because “Blacks tend to be bigger.” Another man in the gym said I was “bold” to wear bright pants. Another lady said she loved my “ethnic” scarf, and my hair is “cool.” Another lady said she would have dressed up more at an event if she knew it was “going to be a fashion show.” The list goes on and on and on.

News Flash. I don’t live for anyone but myself.

I would be an awful, miserable, depressed individual if I lived for what people thought of me, and I surely wouldn’t be in the health and wellness field. I have never fit the “mold” anywhere I have lived at any stage of my life. I am usually the only person of color wherever I am and the only woman when I have worked high power jobs. Yes. I have run regions and districts in positions before. I graduated the top of my class in high school AND college. Forgive me if I scoff when some woman asked me if “I am even educated.” Yes, I was asked if I was even educated.

I am a very smart woman who understands that no one defines me, but me. I don’t need anyone to tell me what I am. Keep your opinions on me being too fat, too slow, too female, too short, too whatever. I decide who I am. Furthermore, if you feel a need to tell me every time I lose or gain weight- don’t. I know what I am, who I am, when something happens ,or doesn’t happen. I am smart. I am capable, and I definitely know my body. I have good moments and tough moments like everyone else. This is me exploring you to live for YOU.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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This week, while trying to ensure I made it to the gym, I also realized my eyebrows were incredibly bushy and needed to be waxed. No problem! I whipped out my waxing kit, turned it on, jumped in the shower and quickly swiped wax under 



I recently spoke to a ex-client of mine who often very successfully sheds massive amounts of weight by eating 1000 calories a day and exercising insanely by only doing cardio. No matter what I say, this person will cycle with massive weight gain and weightloss 

Chocolate Peanut Butter clusters

Chocolate Peanut Butter clusters

Truth and Freedom

Truth and Freedom

Last week, I realized that I told a select group of friends that I would meet them out for a girl’s night. I had promised thos group this girl’s night weeks prior to this night was to happen, but I never put the date of 

Aging Backwards

Aging Backwards

I posted a before/after picture on Instagram and Facebook. In the picture to the left, I was 19 Years old. In the picture to the right, I was 42 (almost 43!) Years old. The comments flooded my pages on how I must have a magic 

Tropical trees for the soul

Tropical trees for the soul

Jamaica Girl’s Trip 💕

A friend of mine was having a birthday and wanted to do a fabulous adventure. I suggested Jamaica…and we went. Just like that, 3 other girlfriends cleared their calendars, did whatever they could to carve 5 days out of their extremely busy lives and a chunk of cash….and we went to Ochos Rios, Jamaica. I can’t express in words how fulfilling this trip was for my soul.

People often talk about living their lives but don’t work to live. They live to work. Sickness, disease, stress, unhappiness and a constant feeling of deprivation fills their souls instead of the multiple JOYS life can bring! When an opportunity presents itself, there are always 5 million reasons this opportunity cannot work for the deprived person however these 3 women decided we have ONE life to live and seized the moment! We lived every moment to the fullest and have every memory to show for it. When I returned to the states, my emotional bucket was full. I had zero clue my emotion bucket was empty until it was filled back up🤦🏾‍♀️.

This is not a bragging story. This is a story to ensure I express to those who may have forgotten to live your dreams. Take care of yourself. Live your life to the fullest. Smile, laugh, travel, connect with friends, enjoy, be and do more than exist. Work to LIVE.

***Please note. I am NOT a medical doctor and I do not have any medical degrees. Everything written within these pages are from personal stand points and opinions. Please consult your physician/doctor/get medical advice for any and everything you do.

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Blast From the Past

Blast From the Past

I have had many dear friends in my life. As I get older, I get further and further away from these wonderful souls who have such a great role in multiple dynamics in my world. People change. Their lives shift. As we meet new people